


“由于COVID-19(也称为新型冠状病毒)的爆发,OFC管理层正在紧密的关注着疫情对我们的与会者,参展商和供应商产生的持续潜在影响。”OFC管理负责人Ryan Strowger表示:“我们会一直遵循全球卫生组织和专家们的指导建议。我们会竭诚致力于采取适当合理的预防措施,为与会人员提供安全健康的环境。”

OFC管理层了解到,过去14天内曾经在中国(居住或访问)的个人由于旅行限制的原因,将无法进入美国境内亲自参加OFC 2020。一些中国参展公司决定将不再出席此次展会,而一些参展中国公司或将派遣了解产品和服务的海外分公司员工、销售代表、分销商前来参加展会。 OFC管理层将一如既往的对来自中国的参展公司所做的最终决定表示支持,并且由衷的感谢大家长期不断的支持和参与。



  • 积极遵循世界卫生组织(WHO),美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC),以及地方政府和城市官员的政策和建议
  • 努力确保急救人员接受足够的相关疫情培训,并能够评估和协助可能出现的流感样症状人员
  • 预先甄别当地紧急救护设施,以便能够及时为有需要的与会者提供快速治疗


  • 增设带有消毒功能的洗手台
  • 加强所有高频接触交汇点的清洁和消毒工作,使用清洁消毒材料和产品对餐饮区,地面,扶手,洗手间,入口/出口,触摸屏等进行消毒
  • 增加现场医疗支援服务
  • 通过线上和线下的信息传播和交流活动来增强与会者对新型冠状病毒的认识
  • 提供充足的适用于公共卫生用途的清洁和消毒工具
  • 营造并推进“免触摸”的展览和会议环境:
  • 宣传并采取“象征性握手政策”
  • 减少/避免名片互换
  • 参展商:可充分利用有效在线电子索检系统获取信息
  • 与会者:OFC作为通信传播和数据科技领域会议的旗舰引领者,我们鼓励您充分有效的利用OFC手机移动应用APP,AirDrop以及其他相关可行的科技途径来分享和交换联系信息。





美国光纤通信会议和展览会(OFC)的联合举办者是IEEE Photonics Society和IEEE Communications Society -IEEE / ComSoc和The Optical Society -OSA


OFC 2020 COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Action Plan

New Revision Date: 13 February 2020

The Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition (OFC 2020) is scheduled to take place, as planned, 8 – 12 March, in San Diego, California U.S.A.,

“Due to the COVID-19 (also known as coronavirus) outbreak, OFC Management is closely monitoring the ongoing potential impact for our attendees, exhibitors, and vendors”, said Ryan Strowger, head of OFC Management. “We are following the guidance from worldwide health organizations and experts. We are fully committed to taking appropriate precautions to provide a safe and healthy environment for attendees.”

OFC Management understands that individuals who have been in China (originating or visiting) within 14 calendar days, will be unable to participate in-person at OFC 2020 due to travel restrictions barring access to the U.S. Some Chinese exhibiting companies have determined that they will be unable to exhibit, while other Chinese exhibiting companies may utilize non-China based staff, or sales representatives/distributors with knowledge of their products and services to represent them. OFC Management will continue to support OFC companies based in China on their final decisions, and we thank them for their continued engagement.

The U.S. Government has taken steps to mitigate the concerns regarding COVID-19. This includes (effective 2 February) suspending entry of any foreign national who has been to China within the past 14 days. Please reference links below for more information.

OFC Management will:

  • Follow recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the policies of the local government and city officials
  • Ensure that First Aid personnel are adequately trained and capable of assessing and assisting those that may demonstrate flu-like symptoms
  • Identify local emergency care facilities that will be able to promptly care for attendees that may require immediate treatment

OFC Management is planning to implement additional onsite tools for registrants, exhibitors and onsite personnel, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Increased availability of hand sanitizing stations
  • Increased cleaning and disinfection process across all high-volume touchpoints (catering areas, surfaces, handrails, restrooms, entrances/exits, touch-screens, etc.) along with the use of cleaning/sanitizing materials and products
  • Increased onsite medical support
  • Awareness campaign via online and onsite information and signage
  • Availability of sanitizing and disinfection materials for public use
  • Create an environment to promote a ‘touch-free’ exhibition and conference:
  • Communicating the adoption of a ‘no-handshake policy’
  • Reduce/eliminate business card exchanges
  • Exhibitors: Utilize the available lead retrieval system for gathering leads electronically
  • Attendees: Because OFC is the premiere conference for communications and data technologies, we encourage you to utilize available technologies like the OFC mobile app, AirDrop or other available services to share contact information.

We strongly urge exhibitors and attendees to implement appropriate guidelines and protocols as suggested by the WHO and other health authorities.  OFC will endeavor to provide a safe and healthy environment for all attendees.

Links and Resources:



The co-sponsors of the Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition (OFC), are IEEE Communications Society (IEEE ComSoc), IEEE Photonics Society, and The Optical Society (OSA).